By Kyamanduma Patrick,
No compensation to any encroaching local residents on the Basecamp-Kamulikwizi drainage Chanel whose opening construction work begins soon, His Worship Chance Kahindo, the Kasese Municipal Mayor has said.
Speaking to our reporter during the monitoring exercise of the channel yesterday, Mr. Chance said in circumstances where local developers deliberately encroached on the channel, they should not only feel guilty but also voluntarily demolish their structures before a bulldozer is deployed by FENCON Engineering Company that has been contracted to construct the one and a half kilometer water channel that has kept a death trap. His. Worship Chance speaking………..
The Chairperson for Basecamp Lower cell like his counterpart in Kitooro cell in Kasese Municipality, Mr. Isaya Thembo called for no alarm by local developers said to have built on or close to the water after several warnings. Mr. Kigutiha and Isaya speaking………..
Eng. Gabriel Fataki of FENCON Construction Company said having been contracted by Food Agricultural Organization, their works will take close consideration of the environmental concerns for the good of the people. Eng. Fataki speaking……..
He called for cooperation by the local leaders and community if they were to do a good job. END.