The Director Kasese Guide radio Rev Fr. Sunday Augastine Masereka Augustine has advised newly -wed couples to keep their faith in God so as to have long lasting and fruitful marriages.
Presiding over mass during the giveaway and introduction party of Ms. Mary Kighoma and Rogers Kule held in Nyamighere willage, Nyakiyumbu sub-county in Kasese district yesterday(12th.May.2022), Fr.Augastine emphasized the need for couples to pray together, stating that a family that prays together stays together.
He asked new couples to become faithful and desist against believing in witchcraft.Rev Fr. Augustine on Faith 1…..
Fr. Augastine urged couples never to allow any situation to overwhelm them, but have trust in God and be open to any communication in order to have sustainable family. Fr.Augastine on phones 2…..
He advised couples to become holy and share their grievances with similar couples and church leaders. Fr.Augastine speaking 3….
The Curate Kitswamba catholic parish Rev Fr.Peter Mubunga Basaliza asked young Girls intending to get married to plan for holy matrimonial.
Rev Fr. Peter speaking……
Both Fr..Augastine and Fr.Peter recommended the Bible as the only manual for a successful marriage.
Mary and Rogers will make their vows tomorrow. END