Residents in Lotisan sub-county, Moroto district have been forced to relocate their goat sheds next to the army detachment for protection as cattle rustlers intensify their hunt for goats that were donated by President Yoweri Museveni.
Cattle rustlers have so far stolen more than 230 goats distributed by the government to reformed warriors in Lotisan sub-county, under the improved goat’s project implemented by the Ministry of Karamoja Affairs in Moroto district after each beneficiary received 16 goats consisting of 15 female Galla Goats and 1 male Boer.
Mr. Emmanuel Moru, whom our reporter found constructing a shed adjacent to the army detachment like many others said the warriors have continued terrorizing them over the goats and they are now resorting to camp near security for their safety.
Hon. Esther Anyakun, the State Minister for Disaster Preparedness noted restocking Karamojong amidst the insecurity was a mistake, observing that the goats distributed to the former raiders are putting people’s lives at risk and asked the government to consider workable projects rather than wasting resources on unproductive programs. Hon. Esther speaking…..
Mr. John Robert Adupa, the LCIII chairperson Lotisan sub-county said he advised the community to establish sheds near the army detachment in Mogoth Parish following the outcry from the locals about the continuous attacks. END