By Posiano Bwambale,
Mr. Pimako Kasereka, the Nyamwamba Division local council three chairperson has repeated his earlier call for vigilance against lawlessness whose cases he anticipates may be on the raise during this Xmas festival season.
He said other than the tips given to the local community against suspected Allied Democratic Force remnants, the local population should identify and report to security about local offenders in the areas.
Speaking to Kasese Guide Radio at his office last evening, Mr. Pimako asked the local population to be conscious of time, the routes they use and people they walk with or else, they will land into hands of wrongdoers. Mr. Pimako speaking1……….
Mr. Pimako also said whereas he will continue fastening his knot against thieves, he had no kind words for the buyers of stolen items he says promote and sustain the vise. Mr. Pimako speaking2………
He also asked parents and guardians against what he described as regrettable and deadly movements by the young people during this Christmas season. END