An Eight member committee has been elected to address animal problem in Rwehingo village in Nyakatonzi Sub County, Kasese district.
The Chairperson LC 3 Nyakatonzi sub county Mr. Stephen Mbera said the committee comprising of cultivators and pastoralists is tasked to handle grievances between the two sides for amicable solution.
Mr. Stephen speaking………..
Committee members include, Mr. Tom Kachope, Mr. Patrick Byabasaijja, Johnson Kahigwa, Mutiba Kato, Moses Kabwana, Moses Kabenge and Kabugho Amina among others.
The Chairperson LC 3 Munkunyu sub county Mr. Sezi Police asked the committee to organize an impromptu meeting with five cattle keepers reported grazing in people’s gardens. Mr. Sezi speaking……………….
The Chairperson for Muhumuza cattle keepers in Nyakatonzi sub county, Mr. Patrick Byabasaijja who called for collaborated efforts between cultivators and pastoralists urged the two parties to become calm.
Some cultivator’s including Ms Ithungu Salveri Nyabahasa and Mr. Mithi Baluku Chrispus expressed their dissatisfaction about the continued destruction of their crops, before calling for fair justice among the newly constituted committee. Ms Nyabahasa and Mr. Chrispus……..
The Nyakatonzi parish woman councilor in Munkunyu sub county, Hon. Loice Masika Kiranzi called for unity among the local community and political leaders.Hon. Loice on unity;…..
The meeting was opprtumistic that the dispute between pastoralists and cultivators will now have a lasting solution in the affected sub-counties. END.