By Posiano Bwambale,
The rate of child labor continues to increase in Kasese Municipality due to poor parenting.
Speaking to Kasese Guide Radio on condition of anonymity today, children have been deprived of their dignity, wellbeing and protection as a result of child labor some of which are hazardous.
The learners testified that their involvement in child labor is not their choice but their parent’s failure to provide basic necessities.
Some children speaking…….
Ms. Loren Biira Rujumba, the Ambassador for Kirembe Information center and Rev.Edmon Baluku of South Rwenzori Diocese, attributed child labor to domestic Violence and ignorance among parents and guardians, who have failed to empower their families. Rev.Edmon and Loren speaking..
Mr. Pimako Kasereka, the local council three chairperson for Nyamwamba division, attributed the increasing number of street kids to school dropouts and poor parenting. Mr. Kasereka speaking…..
Mr. Emmy Makupe, Chief Executive Officer Kirembe Information Center said child labor is a multidimensional problem that requires a combined integrated approach to mobilize all key actors to act in order for it to be reduced in the short term and eliminated in the long term. END.