Casual laboring in Mpondwe-Lhubiriha town council in Kasese may soon come to a standstill should the laborers continue to go home empty handed at the end of the month.
Most of the casual laborers asked their bosses in Mpondwe-Lhubiriha town council to be human than keeping them on empty promises, consider their concerns especially looking at their hard work and the ever raising living conditions of the time. Some laborers speaking ……
The sympathetic area local council three Chairperson, Mr. Selevest Mapoze attributes the delayed payments to the tremendous decrease in the local revenue collection caused by the closure of the Cross border trade partly over COVID-19 and security concerns among other challenges. Mr. Mapoze speaking ……
Mr. Mapoze calls for calm by the affected people like the rest of the workers as his office looks into their concerns, including those with school going children and sick people. Mr. Mapoze speaking 2…….