Bwera General Hospital in Kasese District has revamped its Neonatal Intensive care Unit following the increasing cases of health complications among newly born babies.
According to the Senior Hospital Administrator, Mrs. Best Juliet Bakoko, the plans to reinstate the now actively functional Neonatal Intensive care Unit were fully backed by UNICEF which she said supplied to them the required equipment, including, Incubators, phototherapy and Continuous positive air way pressure machines, and warmers among others that have made services more reliable to babies in need. Mrs. Best Juliet Speaking…….
Ms Juliet later appreciated Mr. Afan Abdullah, a programs director at Great Lakes Peace center and World Wide Smile for a laundry machines that will ease washing of the required medical clothes at the health facility. Ms Juliet speaking2………
Mr. Afan Abdullah said it was everybody`s responsibility to have services improved at Bwera General hospital for the good of the community than mere lamentations. END.