By KGR Reporter,
Taxi Operators in Bwaise have petitioned the park developers Kampala Logistics Center Investment for the misconduct of the park chairperson, Francis Ssemakadde Nsobya.
The over 300 taxi drivers operating on the stages of Matugga, Luweero, Ssemuto, Mijeera, and Nakasongola accuse Ssemakadde of running the park against the rules.
Mr.Rajab Mukasa, the chairman of Kigumba-Bweyale stage and the park supervisor accuse Ssemakadde of creating stages outside the park.
According to the petition, the operators said that Ssemakadde has duplicated stages in the park for his benefit which sabotages their operations.
Drivers also accuse their chairman of using criminals commonly known as “Kifeesi” to harass taxi drivers who do not agree with him.
Mr. Mukasa speaking…..
However, Ssemakadde denied the allegations, He instead accused the park developers of interfering with the operations of taxi drivers.
Mr. Ssemakadde speaking…..
Adam Ayeba the District Internal Security Officer -DISO said that they are currently studying the petition and that action will be taken after the festive season. END.