By Kyamanduma Patrick,
Mr. Patrick Ndungo Syayipuma, the Kasese District Water Engineer, blames the risks paused by gravity flow water, as well as water scarcity and damages, to illegal connections by some local residents.
Mr. Shayipuma’s comments followed concerns by Mr. Emmy Mbusa, the local council one chairperson for Buhunga cell in Kasese Municipality during the handover of Buhunga gravity flow scheme, asking the project beneficiaries to use the right channels to connect to the water line. Mr. Mbusa speaking……..
According to Mr. Syayipuma, illegal water connections was a vice slowly but steadily eating up Kasese district communities, sighting Kibirizi gravity flow scheme in Bugoye sub county where 60 illegal taps of the designated 10 were connected, leading to water supply gaps and risks on life. Mr. Syaipuma speaking…….
The Kasese district Principal Secretary in the office of the Chief Administration Officer, Mr. Mustafa Kikusa said they were to close any individual family water taps unless it’s necessary, as well as arresting those promoting illegal connections. Mr. Kikusa speaking……
Earlier, Mr. Mbusa had reported 11 illegal taps on top of the 12 designated for the project. END