By Jonex Babulya,
Mr. Simon Bikeke, a senior journalist and coordinator for umbrella for journalists, a journalists’ organization based in Kasese district, calls for thorough investigations into the alleged attacks on a TV reporter whose field gargets were reportedly targeted by his tormenters while in the field.
Mr. Bikeke who described journalists as the mouthpiece and ear of the public, had his gargets allegedly destroyed at Unique Valley primary school during the attempted mediation meeting by police between the landlord, Nyakatonzi Cooperative Union and Unique Valley primary school, the tenant in these cases.
He also warmed journalists against partisan politics he said could not only compromise them but put their profession to doubt in the eyes of the public. Mr. Bikeke speaking………
Mr. Bikeke later announced that the journalists’ organizations in Kasese district and Rwenzori sub-region will not allow any member of the community to frustrate the good work done by the press. END