There were reported running battles yesterday in Kitswamba sub-county in Kasese district between police and supporters of Mr. Joneni Bwambale Bamwenda after his soccer and net ball tournaments were halted midway for not observing the Standard operation Procedures.
According to Police Joneni Bwambale Bamwenda and the organizers of the tournament did not mind about controlling the crowds but left the spectators to convene as usual without implementing the SoPs as guided.
Mr. Joneni Bwambale Bamwenda whose Trumbet Foundation sponsored the tournament blamed the situation to some political competitors he suspects could have used the police to halt the games that were popularizing his political candidature. Hon Joneni and supporters…
Some Jenan supporters and soccer fans showed their disappointment over the Police action but that they were ready to support their candidate. Some Supporter on joneni…….