By Kyamanduma Patrick,
Mr. Francisco Masereka, a veterinary officer attacked to Kasese Municipality abattoir has called for community consciousness against consuming any meat at their disposal or else, they are potential clients of deadly diseases, including Anthrax.
Anthrax is a serious infectious disease caused by gram-positive, rod-shaped bacteria known as Bacillus anthracis.
Whereas Mr. Francisco said anthrax occurs naturally in soil, it commonly affects domestic and wild animals, as well as people who come in contact with them or their contaminated products.
He said high fever, blood present around the nose, mouth and anus of animals are signs of anthrax. Mr. Francisco speaking1…….
Mr. Francisco later asked framers to vaccinate their animals, desist from consuming contaminated animal products and consuming meat from unexamined animals as preventive measures against the deadly anthrax disease. Mr. Francisco speaking2……..
He described as a life risk for anybody who slaughters an animal for his family consumption without involving a veterinary expertize. END