Barbara Muhindo
Hon. John Siriwayo, the Kasese Municipal Secretary for Works and Technical services has called for joint efforts against scrap dealers targeting metallic manhole safety barriers, road signs and furniture, a move he said puts many lives at risk.
Speaking to Kasese Guide Radio yesterday, Hon. Siriwayo said whereas Kasese Municipality was doing her best to fix the water channels, bridges and roads that were affected by the recent floods, apprehending those he called selfish scrap dealers should be a collaborated attempt by all stakeholders, including community members and local leaders in their respective areas. Hon. Siriwayo speaking 1…….
Hon. Siriwayo later commended the local leaders and the Wanainchi for doing their best in fixing some foot bridges in their area, as his office mobilizes resources to fix parts of the Kamulikwizi drainage and Kccl water channels, as well as finalizing roads works in Katarasa, Nyakasonjo, Basecamp lower and the Saluti bridge by the end of this financial year.