By KGR Reporter,
The Archbishop of the Church of Uganda the Most Rev Dr. Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu has called for the strengthening of laws for the protection and promotion of children’s rights in Uganda.
The Archbishop made the call yesterday at Sanyu Baby’s Home during the launch of November as the Children’s Month in the Church.
He expressed concern that despite the existence of laws and policies, children continue to be subjected to different forms of abuse such as child labor, forced marriages, domestic abuse, child neglect, and child trafficking among others.
Dr. Kaziimba asked the government to strengthen laws such that perpetrators of such abuse of children’s rights are held accountable for their acts and the children served justice.
He says there should be collective responsibilities, from the state and non-state actors to protect children’s rights. Archbishop Kazimba speaking…
Dr. Kaziimba Mugalu observes that children are more vulnerable to violence because of limited information and the capacity to participate in protecting themselves while living in none regulated environment.
Ms. Maureen Muwonge, the Country Director of Dwelling Places, said that Uganda has a strong regulatory framework but lacks in its implementation. This, she says is what explains the continued violation of children’s rights. Ms. Muwonge speaking…
Barbra Nankya Mutagubya, the Executive Director of Sanyu Baby’s Home says that the facility takes in 70 new children who are rescued from toxic environments including those abandoned by their parents. END.