By Posiano Bwambale
Communicators in the Catholic diocese of Kasese have been asked to work in unity and diversity so as to ably fulfill Christ’s Mission of proclaiming the holy Gospel.
Addressing communicators who had turned up for the memorial mass of the late Lini Bwambale and later paid a visit to the deceased’s family, Fr. Emmanuel Kule, the parish priest for St. Francis Kyabikere Catholic parish asked Christians to appreciate that death is real.
Rev. Fr. Emmanuel said the visit to the deceased former Parish communicator was a gesture of love and unity that the communicators ought to promote and communicate to the rest of the world for a peaceful living. Fr. Emmanuel speaking……
The Coordinator for Social Communications in the Diocese of Kasese, Rev. Fr. Sunday Augustine Masereka who asks for discipline and good listening skills among communicators, called for proper use and understanding of social media content before any response is made to avoid misrepresentations. Fr. Augustine speaking……
Mrs. Janet Bwambale Magambo, the widow, hailed the communicators for the visit before calling for a permanent settlement and support to enhance her education. Mrs. Janet Magambo speaking…..
Mr. Alfred Monday, the communicator for Kyabikere parish and his counterpart from Katwe, Mr. Deo Balyebuga said their decision was in line with the teachings of the Holy bible that preaches love and support to the widows and orphans. Mr. Alfred and Deo Balyebuga……
May the soul of the deceased rest in internal peace. END