About 90% of the local residents in Kasese District do not know their Hepatitis B status, Dr. Mary Munyagwa, the Medical Superintendent for Bwera Hospital has said.
During the commemoration of the world day of Hepatitis B at the district healthy facility, Dr. Munyagwa described as un fortunate the reluctance by the local community to diagnose for the disease if they were to fully deal with the disease. Dr. Munyagwa Speaking……
Mr. Arafat Bwambale, the health Director for Great Lakes Peace Center that organized the awareness activities that also included testing and immunization of the disease, is concerned about the misconception among the local population that has been hard to guide about hepatitis B. Mr. Arafat Speaking……
Dr. Mary Munyangwa who congratulated Great Lakes Peace Centre for their intervention, calls for other partners on board for the good