A fifty two years old woman in Nyakeya cell in Kyalhumba town council, Kasese district is reported to have been attacked by a suspected thief, taking away her money and food stuffs.
No comment from police bur the local council one Secretary for Nyakeya cell in Kyalhumba town council, Mr. Doviko Muserero confirmed that Ms Felestus Ithungu, a cassava flour vendor, was trailed by a suspected thief who took away un disclosed amount of money and food she had purchased for her family.
Mr. Muserero said the area leadership was doing her best in collaboration with security to deal with the increasing cases of theft and that whoever is netted will face the law without fear and favor
Mr. Muserero speaking……
Just last weekend, a 35 year old man survived lynching by the locals for reportedly stealing a wedding case in the same area. END.