By Kyamanduma Patrick,
The Local leadership and Residents in Kisinga town council in Kasese district have asked the office of district Chairperson to investigate circumstances under which an eighty year old woman was stolen of her PDM money.
Former district councilor for Kisinga town council, Hon. Patrick Muthanaba narrated to the district Boss Mr. Eriphaz Muhindi how Mr. Kesi Kaghuma, the chairperson for Nsenyi ward swindled part of the PDM funds during the process for Ms. Jorolina Kabugho 80.
Hon. Muthanaba narrating……
The care taker of Jorolina also testified how her mother was given less money compares to one million which they applied for.
Care taker ……
The Kasese district Boss Mr. Erifazi Muhindi has vowed to investigate this matter in which Mr. Kesi Kaghuma is implicated over fraud allegations. Mr. Muhindi….
Just yesterday one of the councilors in Kisinga town council, Hon. Zalimon Soninge called on PDM Beneficiaries to open up about their challenges if they are to fight corruption in the PDM program. END