By Kyamanduma Patrick,
Mr. Cosia Kahiwa Busara a 75 Year- old man has spoken the tough life he is going through looking after his 15 year-old disabled son in Nyabisusi Village in Maliba sub-county, Kasese district.
John Munyibugha, the disabled child who crawls on the ground and cannot speak is supported by his father who always carry him on the back attending church prayers and ceremonies.
Speaking to our reporter yesterday, Mr. Kahiwa who seemed depressed calls good Samaritans to help the disabled child who needs to be enrolled for special needs education and provide any form of support since his family cannot afford to support him.
Mr Kahiwa one speaking…
Kahiwa, also revealed that Munyibugha developed disability after vaccination two days after birth, but efforts to have him treated has yielded on results after visiting various health facilities and hospitals.
Mr. Kahiwa two speaking….
Mr. Andereya Kibwana Baluku, the area local council one chairperson, called upon NGO,s and the community development officer, Ms. Ruth Labongo to lobby a wheel chair for the disabled boy and support his education. Mr. Andereya speaking…