By Kyamanduma Patrick,
Another body has yet been retrieved from River Nyamugasana in Karujumba one village in Kitabu Sub County in Kasese district, Kasese Guide Radio can reliably report.
The Chairperson Karujumba two village who also doubles as a Kasese Guide Radio agent, Mr. Remegio Mugenyi identified the deceased as one Mr. Neckson Bwambale 45, a resident of the neighboring Karujumba one village in the same sub county.
Mr. Remegio said the deceased who with a friend was returning from watching international soccer matches in Kisinga, drowned in the river as both crossed on Sunday evening. Mr. Remegio speaking………
On the same Sunday, Ms Peregiya Mbambu, a local resident of Kiduku village in Kyalhumba subcounty drowned and died in the same river before her body was retrieved yesterday morning.
May the souls of the deceased rest in eternal peace. END.